Military Leadership & Command should align with threats – Buratai.

Military Leadership & Command should align with threats – Buratai.
Following new and emerging threats and security challenges confronting the country, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General, Tukur Buratai has said the burden of command and leadership in the military must align with such challenges.
Represented by the Chief of Police and Plans (COPP) Nigeria Army, Major General, Jack Ogunewe at a seminar on ‘Command and Leadership Responsibilities’ in Abuja, Buratai said, “Based on contemporary security challenges, it is pertinent to say that leadership, management and command – the officer’s trinity – will have to change in the 21st Century through the acquisition of new skills and attributes.”
He said this can be achieved through a robust and continuous training and re-training, noting that every organization must develop command and leadership qualities in members of its component echelons to achieve their objectives.
Buratai said the seminar holding at the Nigerian Army Resource Centre is timely in ensuring that burden of command and leadership with its attendant legal implications are addressed to ensure an effective and efficient force.
He added that contemporary global security environment efforts are increasingly being focused on improving the command and leadership potentials of security operatives to deal with new and emerging threats.
The Army Chief also noted that based on the realization that threats to national security since the dawn of the 21st Century are essentially non-traditional, asymmetrical and multi-dimensional, they require agile security architecture to combat them.
“This architecture must be driven by highly trained and highly motivated commanders, who are capable of dealing with, anticipating and pre-empting diverse threats to national security” he said.