Military Pensions Board begins work on modalities for implementation of approved Consolidated Armed Forces salary Structure (CONAFSS)

Military Pensions Board begins work on modalities for implementation of approved Consolidated Armed Forces salary Structure (CONAFSS)

The attention of Military Pensions Board has been drawn to a misleading publication, that funds were released to the Board for payment of pension arrears of retired members of the armed forces.

It is important to emphasize that the report is false.

This clarification is necessary to douse any form of anxiety the report might have created among our concerned beneficiaries.

The Board is however working on the modalities for implementation of the newly approved Revised Gross Consolidated Armed Forces Salary Structure (CONAFSS) for payment of gratuity and pensions of retired military personnel.

Accordingly, all will be duly informed as soon as funds are released for the payment.

The board assured that it will continue to work and protect the interest of her retired colleagues at all times.

Flight Lieutenant Obasi Okoroafor
Public Relations Officer