Military Pensions Board does not require any form of payment to process Retirees Pension Arrears – Official

The Military Pensions Board (MPB) has observed with dismay the circulation of fraudulent messages by mischievous elements purporting to be agents of the Board.

The dubious messages request for money from unsuspecting pensioners/Next of kin of deceased personnel to facilitate processing of their entitlements at the Pensions Board.

It is important to emphasize that such messages are fake, malicious and are designed by imposters to defraud our retired colleagues and families of deceased colleagues of their hard earned income.

Pensioners and families of deceased military personnel are thus advised to not only desist from such impostors but promptly report such to the nearest military unit.

The Chairman of the Board, Major General Ahmadu Bala Adamu on assumption of command clearly prioritised the prompt and efficient payment of all pensions and entitlements of deceased personnel as his vision.

This includes institutionalizing a seamless, inclusive process which does not require use of any third party to facilitate payment.

Accordingly, all outstanding payments, arrears and entitlements of deceased military personnel are being promptly processed at the Board.

The Board wishes to use this medium to caution all such imposters that there are measures in place to track, apprehend and decisively deal with any individual attempting to swindle pensioners.

The full weight of the law would be brought upon any person(s) and their accomplices caught in this nefarious act.

Obasi Okoroafor
Flight Lieutenant
Public Relations Officer