Missing Army General: Senate Task FG, Security Agencies to Find Alkali in Jos.

The Senate on Wednesday called on the federal government and security agencies to intensify effort towards finding Major General Idris Mohammed.
Alkali, a former Chief of Administration at Army headquarters disappeared since September 4th 2018 weeks after retirement from the Nigerian Army.
Following directives by Army headquarters that his car traced to a muddy river be recovered, his car, a Toyota Corolla was found two days after draining a Jos pond in Dura Du community.
The Senate made the call after hearing a presentation by Senator Mohammed Hassan on the disappearance of the retired Army Major General.
It would be recalled that on Monday, 4th September 2018, Alkali’s wife, Mrs. Salamatu Alkali alerted the Army authorities that her husband who had departed Abuja the previous day in the morning for Bauchi had not reached his destination, after informing her the previous day at about noon that he arrived Jos safely and would be passing through Dura Du road to Bauchi.
Following his disappearance, the Nigerian Army constituted a special task force that included the Nigerian Police, Department of State Security, Fire Service, NSCDC and a Chinese Construction firm to carry out an intensive search vide tracking of his phone up to when it was switched off as well as relying on tip-offs.
Senator Hassan in his presentation acknowledged the thoroughness of the investigation of the Nigerian Army and other Security Agencies who narrowed their search to a pool of water in Lafande Community in Du District of Plateau State by using local divers from Wase and Taraba State to search the pond since the community claimed they did not have local divers.
Earlier efforts of the Army and other Security Agencies did not yield the desired result, hence the whole pond was drained amidst protest from local women from the community who attempted to stop the Army from draining the water on the pretense that it was their only source of drinking water.
The Senate confirmed that after two days of draining of the pond, a bus was found in the pond alleged to belong to a young man that had earlier disappeared along that road.
On 29th September, 2018 at about 6pm a Toyota car with registration Number MUN 670 AA belonging to Maj. Gen IM Alkali was pulled out of the water with some of his belongings without any trace of his person, while another car (Rover) was recovered from the pond whose owner disappeared in 2013.
The Senate also “Acknowledges with serious concern the reported disappearance of numerous commuters along the Du axis in the past few years, especially Bauchi on-ward bound travelers and the need to address same urgently.
“This incident raises some pertinent questions: why did the people from Du Community refused to assist the Security Agencies during the search; why did the people (women) try to prevent the Army from draining the water; why didn’t the community raise a formal complaint from the local government to the state government about the draining of the water; who were those spreading false information about the circumstances of the disappearance of Maj. General IM Alkali and what were their motives”.
“The Senate, therefore, accordingly resolves to urge the Federal Government to setup an investigate Panel of enquiries to examine and determine the remote and immediate circumstances surrounding the dumping of cars in the ponds in DU District, and identify and interrogate possible suspects in this dastardly not and ensure that the perpetrators face the full wrath of the law to serve as deterrence to other criminally minded persons in the strongest possible terms.
“The Senate condemns the act and urges all the surrounding communities (DU axis) to cooperate with Security Agencies to uncover this crime and criminality; and urges the Security Agencies to intensify effort towards finding Maj. Gen IM Alkali.”