Multinational JTF hosts ministers of LCBC, receives 15 tactical operational vehicles to fight Boko Haram.

The Headquarters Multinational Joint Task Force (HQ MNJTF) Ndjamena, Chad on Friday hosted a delegation of Council of Ministers from Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and Commissioner for Peace and Security African Union (AU).

The delegation was led by the Executive Secretary and Head of Mission LCBC Engr Sanusi Imran Abdullahi.

Welcoming the ministers, the Deputy Force Commander MNJTF, Brigadier General Moussa Mahamat Djoui who represented the Force Commander (FC) Major General Lamidi Adeosun who was on operational visit to Baga and Diffa welcomed the delegation to the headquarters.

He used the medium to thank them for the visit and assured them of MNJTF commitment to ensure Boko Haram terrorist (BHT) are defeated in the shortest possible time.

In a remark, the Head of Mission / Executive Secretary LCBC stated the intention of the visit which according to him was to show to our Ministers what we can do.

He further pointed out that in LCBC there is no demarcation, no nations, as we all work as one and as a team for a common mandate / objective.

While commending the officers and men of MNJTF on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the LCBC, the Minister of Water Resource of Nigeria Engr. Suleiman Adamu expressed his appreciation for the fantastic brief on activities and achievements of the MNJTF in bringing Peace and Security in the Lake Chad region.

The Minister wished the Commander MNJTF, officers and men of MNJTF God’s guidance in the discharge of their duties.

The visit was attended by: Ismail Chergui (AU) Commissioner Peace and Security; Mohammed Dauda Nigerian Ambassador to Rep of Chad; Suleiman Adamu, Minister of Water Resources Nigeria and Hadidja Bukar Abba Minister of Foreign Affairs Nigeria.

Others are Yerima Mandja, Minister of Livestock Central African Republic; Siddik Abdel Karim, Minister Water and Sanitation Chad,  and Marouf Moussa representing the Governor Far North Region Cameroon.

On his part, the Commissioner for Peace and Security AU said that AU is prepared to do everything possible by way of motivation to show appreciation and encouragement for the sacrifices of the gallant MNJTF troops in the fight against terrorism.

Minister Siddik Abdel Karim thanked the Heads of States of LCBC for the great initiative to effectively implement MNJTF.

He expressed appreciation on the achievements of MNJTF and encouraged officers and men to continue with their relentless sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.

The visit witnessed a detail brief in the activities, achievements and prospects of the MNJTF and visitations.

In other to enhance mobility of troops in the various sectors, 15 tactical vehicles and 30 motorbikes were handed over to the Commander MNJTF who took advantage of the occasion to heartily thank the delegation from the AU and promised that MNJTF will keep working as a team to ensure success of its mandate.

A statement by Col Mustapha Anka,  Public Information Officer noted that, while performing the ceremony of handing over the keys to the Force Commander, the Commissioner for Peace and Security AU once more expressed his satisfaction and promised that more support to the MNJTF is still to come.
