Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu at NDC; says Science and Technology, Panacea to Reducing Poverty in Nigeria

The Minister of Science and technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu has said that Science and Technology is a panacea to fighting and reducing poverty for the happiness of Nigerians.

The Minister made this remarks at the National Defence College Nigeria   when he delivered a lecture entitled ‘’ National Self Reliance through Science, Technology and Innovation‘’ to participants of Course 26 National Defence College.

According to the minister, technology has a very important role to play, both at war time and also in the maintenance of peace and prosperity.

He used the opportunity to commend the Nigerian armed forces for the heroic role they played in helping to resolve the conflict in the Gambia, during their most recent presidential election, which otherwise would have resulted in a threat to peace in the sub-region.

While delivering the lecture, the minister drew the attention of all to the situation in the recent past when certain commodities that played a dominant role, such as crude oil, due to advances in technology, lost their pre-eminence.

He however reiterated that the challenge facing Nigeria is to initiate bold and visionary policies that will help move the economy in the direction of diversification, such that when the demand for crude oil drops in the global market as we recently witnessed, we can absorb the shock and avoid experiencing the trauma of recession, which has always had adverse effect on the Nigerian economy.

Dr. Onu buttressed the very important efforts the present government is making to use science and technology to redirect the developmental process of the Nation, so as to diversify our economy in a sustainable manner, create wealth and new jobs that can guarantee a buoyant and dynamic economy capable of fighting and reducing poverty for Nigerians.

Furthermore, he said, the government had also worked hard to conduct research and innovation in  agencies, that can help achieve food safety and security, improve communication and movement of persons and goods from one part of the country to another, provide shelter to our people, assist the provision of water and power for use in both our homes and factories, in addition to the protection of the environment, as well as providing healthcare and education to our people and also through the use of nanotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, rocketry, space technology to help secure our nation.

Emphasizing that the main thrust of the federal ministry of Science and Technology, is to make Nigeria self-reliant, he said, ’’ the time has come for us to start looking inwards to find solutions to our numerous technological problems.’’

He asserted that, in the past two years, under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria has commenced a new journey, one that is initiated by the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, to move our economy from being resource based to knowledge based and innovation driven economy.

In another development, the Minister said, ‘’ in order to ensure that we succeed in achieving the goal we set for ourselves, new steps, new policies and new programmes on science and technology has been developed and embarked by the current government.

Dr. Onu said, recently his ministry organized a landmark “Technology and Innovation Expo 2017” which had as its theme: “Science, Technology and Innovation for Nigeria’s Economic Development”.

He added that the cardinal purpose of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology is to accelerate research and innovation in areas that will stimulate national self-reliance and reduce imports into the country.

This will accelerate the process of technology acquisition and guarantee the adaptation of home grown capabilities that will help to maintain, redesign, reproduce, domesticate and duplicate any infrastructure that is built in Nigeria as a conscious effort to promote self-reliance and sustainable development.

He pointed the emerging forces of globalization which demand that we must secure our citizens and safe guard our nation. He continued that we cannot meaningfully achieve this without placing emphasis on science and technology, especially considering the urgent need for us to build a strong and resilient economy that is diversified in order to enable us withstand any future shocks arising from any sharp drop in the price of commodities in the international market.

Finally, he advised that, everybody must always be prepared for innovation, for victory always comes to those who are the most prepared.

Commandant National Defence College, Rear Admiral Adeniyi Osinowo, while giving his remarks after the lecture of Dr. Onu, applauded the minister for the eloquent and well delivered lecture.

He reiterated that the nation cannot continue to depend on others to meet our technological needs.

Osinowo emphatically said that Nigeria has come of age and cannot continue to be a nation of mere consumers adding, “There must be a deliberate and concerted effort to embrace science, technology and innovation that will lead us to enduring prosperity”.

 He urged participants of Course 26 to cash in on the lecture of the minister, so as to be strategic leaders that will promote science, technology and innovation for the advancement of our dear nation.




                                                                 EDWARD YEIBO


                                                                 College Public Relations Officer






Picture shows Deputy Commandant of National Defence College (NDC), Maj Gen Ede Ode; the Commandant, Rear Adm. Adeniyi Osinowo; and the Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, during the Minister’s visit to NDC to deliver lecture to Course 26 participants.