Navy’s 63rd Anniversary Church Service: CNS calls for Armed Forces Unity to surmount Security Challenges

The Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ekwe Ibas has said that for the nation to overcome the daunting security challenges facing it, members of the Armed Forces must stand united and ready to ‘give our all’ in support of the federal government’s effort to confront the current national security threats.

He said this unity of the armed forces against these threats should be regardless of where they may occur, be it at sea, air or land adding, “With such strong resolve, sacrifice and unity of purpose, the current challenges would soon be a thing of the past”.

Vice Admiral Ibas spoke on Sunday at the 63rd Anniversary Church Service of the Nigerian Navy held at the Mogadishu barracks in Abuja.

He said, “Brethren, the annual Nigerian Navy anniversary celebrations give us an opportunity to recognize God’s awesome kindness for the achievements of the past year. Such obligation is necessary as the Navy has continued to make significant strides in her fleet renewal programmes with the induction of several Seaward Defence Boats, Riverine Patrol Boats and the construction of other Capital Ships and Aircraft which are expected to join the fleet in the coning months.

“Other notable achievements include the commissioning of the Nigerian Navy Reference Hospital in Calabar, the Admiralty University of Nigeria and completion of NNS Beecroft Jetty as well as several other infrastructural and welfare projects across NN ships and establishments.

“We therefore take this opportunity to again appreciate the Almighty God’s supreme guidance which has led to some modest attainment of this milestones of the NN transformation plan and my mission of emplacing a naval force that is adequately motivated and capable of effectively defending our nation Nigeria to ensure her economic prosperity”.

Emphasizing that occasions such as this also calls for sober reflection and prayers for the nation, Vice Admiral Ibas said, ” At this juncture, I urge us all to spare a moment to pray for our colleagues and other members of the armed forces, deployed across various terrains and environments in furtherance of effort to secure our nation”.

“” We ask God Almighty to protect, guide and grant then victory and success in their various operations. We must also spare a moment for our colleagues who have paid the supreme sacrifice within the past year and ask the Almighty God to grant their souls a peaceful repose.

“We also pray for Almighty to strengthen and give succour to their loved ones and dependents to enable them keep faith with the nation as well as all look forward to a better tomorrow”.

Delivering his sermon at the service, Reverend (Commander) BMK Ajayi, Acting Director, Naval Chaplain Services told the congregation to always remember that a day is coning when an audit will be carried out on the stewardship of everyone particularly those put in leadership positions.

Speaking on the topic ‘What will you be remembered for?, he said, “The audit is not about the number of cars or the number of houses you have. It is about the welfare of men.

“The auditing of a leader is the welfare of the people put under your care. Bit it is never too too late and it can never be to turn around”, he said reminding all that Manaseh in the bible reading, ruled for 55 years but in the last year, did something which is evil in the sight of God which destroyed all his good deeds.