Navy’s Central Command Reads Riot Act to Oil Thieves: Full Wrath of law awaits those caught.

The Nigerian Navy Central Naval Command has read a riot act to pipeline vandals, Illegal oil bunkerers and operators of illegal oil refineries to abandon their criminal activities and relocate or face the full weight of the law.

Flag Officer Commanding Central Naval Command, Rear Admiral Saidu Garba gave the warning in Warri on Thursday when he paid an operational visit to the Navy ship NNS Delta to inaugurate new attack/patrol gunboats.

The FOC had ealier being welcomed by the Commander NNS Delta, Commodore Ibrahim Dewu after which he addresses Officers and Ratings.

Rear Admiral Garba said, “We are advising them (oil thieves) to engage in productive legal ventures that will enable them make clean money and live peacefully.

“As you know, crude oil theft and other such criminal activities have reduced as a result of a number of measures put in place.

“One of such strategic measures is the permanent operation at sea, which is called Operation Tsare-Teku.

“The second one is the swamp boggy operation. We go around demolishing illegal infrastructure put in place for oil production.

“The third is the choke-point regime. We have house boats at strategic points in the backwaters.

“These boats ensure there are no illegal movement of any kind of illegally produced products in that general area.”

“So as you can testify, the Navy is out for sabotuers and all illegalities against oil production or ecomic sabotage. We are sustaining the operations. There is no going back”