New AOC Tactical Air Command Takes over in Makurdi.

The newly appointed Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Tactical Air Command (TAC) of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF), Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Mohammed Idris on Friday, 14 July 2017 formally took over command at a ceremony, held at the Command’s Headquarters in Makurdi.

AVM Idris replaced the former AOC, AVM Nurudeen Balogun, who has now been redeployed to the Headquarters of the NAF in Abuja, as the Chief of Training and Operations.

The new AOC, until his appointment as the AOC TAC, was the Director of Training at the Headquarters of the NAF.

In his remarks during the ceremony, AVM Idris pledged to contribute his quota by not only building from where his predecessor stopped but also taking the necessary steps to keep the NAF fighter aircraft in the air.

The AOC further assured the officers and airmen/airwomen of the Command that together with them, the Command would intensify efforts to flush out the remnants of the Boko Haram insurgents.

 He added that during his tenure, he would not relent on his oars in the fight to preserve the territorial integrity of Nigeria.

AVM Idris, a seasoned combat fighter pilot is a member of 35 Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna.

He was commissioned to the rank of Pilot Officer in the NAF in December 1987.

In the course of his military career, the new AOC has flown various aircraft types in the NAF inventory and has also participated in various operations in Nigeria.

It would be recalled that a recent restructuring exercise in the NAF resulted in the redeployment of several senior officers.


Olatokumbo Adesanya 

Air Commodore 

Director of Public Relations and Information 

Nigerian Air Force