Nigerian Army signs MoU with University of Ilorin on R & D; Human Capacity Building.

The Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peace Keeping Centre of the Nigerian Army on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding MoU with the Centre for Peace and strategic Studies, University of Ilorin. 

Speaking at the occasion, Chief of Army Staff, Major General Ibrahim Attahiru who was represented by Deputy Chief of Policy and Plans at Army Headquarters, Major General TA Gagariga  said with the MoU, the two institutions have agreed to promote the organization of seminars, academic interactive sessions and other professional development activities including joint training and human capacity building as well as development of curriculum on executive courses in peacekeeping. 

He continued, ‘The partnership would therefore lead to the issuance of certificate in Masters in Peace and Security Studies or Masters in Peace and Strategic Studies amongst others. 

“This partnership is similar to the academic partnership that exists between ABU Zaria and Nigerian Army School of Military Police and Nigerian Army School of Legal Service. 

“It would thus boost curriculum and reputation of MLAILPKC on aspects of leadership training, peace and security development as well as conflict resolution and mediation.

 “I must state that the implementation of the MoU would involve exchange of staff and students of both institutions. This would strengthen interface in existing theoretical and practical knowledge.

 “On the whole, the MoU would promote cordial relationships thus influencing Nigerisn Army Civil-Military Cooperation activities, as well as NA relationship with University of Ilorin in academic matters, researches and other areas of mutual benefits.

“It is envisaged that the MLAILPKC would continue its collaboration with national and international institutions.

In his address, Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin, Prof. Suleiman Abdulkarim commended the Nigerian Army for the bold step in partnering with the institution saying with the new MoU, it’s global aspect will catapult the university to a greater level.

“My prayer is that our joint research efforts will be of immense benefits to the Nigerian Army and the nation at large.

Earlier, Director of Policy at the Department of Policy and Plans, Major General IS Ali said the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies (CPSS), University of Ilorin and Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre (MLAILPKC), is aimed at developing a mutually beneficial relationship in leadership training, especially in the areas of peace and development studies, peace and strategic studies as well as peace and security studies, amongst others. 

He said, “Some of us here would recall that in the last half of last year 2020, similar partnerships were signed between the NA, DICON and this same University as well as between the MLAILPKC and Afe Babalola University. These partnerships were signed on 1 July and 9 September 20 respectively. 

“The giant stride taken by MLAILPKC and these institutions would not have been achieved without the support of the COAS and the good leadership of the institutions. These collaborations would surely contribute to the intellectual capacity development of not only Nigerian Army personnel but also personnel of other services and allied nations who would want to take advantage of this great opportunity. 

Emphasising that, in this era of globalisation, no establishment, organisation or institution can fully address the contemporary security challenges as being witnessed in Nigeria without strong and visionary leadership, he said, “This is because, the challenges are usually volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. 

“Therefore, the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding between the MLAILPKC and the University of Ilorin, which is aimed at enhancing the capacity of our personnel to effectively tackle Nigeria’s security challenges, is timely and apt. It symbolizes a partnership, which I believe will open a new front in our research efforts that will produce the much needed initiatives required to surmount the myriads of challenges bedeviling our dear nation”. 

Additionally, “This cooperation will surely add value to knowledge in all fields of our endeavour. We should therefore be optimistic in the positive outcomes this partnership will bring.

“Having said that, I would want to use this opportunity to appreciate the Chief of Army Staff, Major General Ibrahim Attahiru for his visionary leadership and guidance, without which we will not be here for this event. This was exemplified in his prompt approval of this event within the first few days of his assumption of office as the COAS”.