Nigerian Navy Promotes 10 Rear Admirals; 25 Commodores, 52 Captains & Commanders

The Nigerian Navy Board has approved the promotion of 87 senior officers to the ranks of Rear Admiral, Commodore, Captain and Commander.

A statement by the Director of Naval Information, Commodore Ayo Olugbode,said the newly promoted senior officers include “10 Rear Admirals, 25 Commodores, 24 Captains and 28 Commanders”.

“The 10 Admirals promoted include Commodores DM Dogonyaro, Commandant Nigerian Navy school of Armament Technology, Kachia; TA Imam, Director of Policy Naval Headquarters; RO Mohammed, Director of Recruitment, Resettlement and Reserve, Naval Headquarters; IB Yusuf, Director of Personnel Release, Naval Headquarters;

Others are WO Kayoda, Director Navigation/Positioning and Timing, Defence Space Administration; OE Eyo, Commander NNS BEECROFT; SO Agada, Directing Staff NDC; EE Aneke Commodore Naval Drafting; MM Bashir, Directing Staff NDC and AO Ayobanjo Deputy Commandant, Naval War College Nigeria”.

The statement further said, “Those promoted to rank of Commodore are Captains T Sani, MN Madugu, OO Fadeyi, AA Gaya, S Dahun, OA Oludude, SD Atakpa, A Baba-Inna, PE Effah, AA Mustapha CD Okehie, I Okpala, OBF Oladipo , OO Soyemi, EA Zipele.

Others are AK Ezenma, C Onyemaobi, SA Yahaya, SH Abdullahi, KM Bushi, SA Ejaro, G Obaje, AE Bello, ID Nurudeen and IA Ahmed”

It noted that the newly promoted senior officers will be decorated at a later date.