NMS 40th Anniversary/Reunion: Marwa Reiterates that Unity, Patriotism is Key to Nigeria’s Progress

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Brig.-Gen. Buba Marwa, Retired, has emphasised the importance of unity and patriotism in achieving Nigeria’s greatness.

Marwa emphasized this in his keynote address at the 40th anniversary and reunion of the Nigeria Military School (NMS) 1984 set and 32nd Passing Out Platoon (POP) Association on Saturday in Abuja with the theme, “Leveraging on Nigeria’s diversity for inclusive Nation Building: Pathway to Leadership, stability and Prosperity”.

While congratulating the 1984 set on their achievements and noting that their success was a testament to the quality of training they received at the NMS, Marwa stressed that “the NMS was a microcosm of Nigeria, where brotherhood, unity, and love of country were instilled in its students.

He expressed concern over the challenges facing the country, including ethnic and religious divisions, urging Nigerians to remain committed to a united Nigeria.

His words, “Forty years is deserving of celebration. It is heartwarming to know that quite a number of members of this set have done very well for themselves, either in the military or in civil life.

“Usually, moments like this are also opportunities for sober reflections about our common bond and common fate as a nation.

“The past few years have thrown up issues that challenge the unity of this country, leaving many of our citizens to question the continuing coexistence of the multiethnic groups that make up Nigeria.

“Many of such myopic viewpoints forget about the virtue of strength in diversity and how we once lived as one indivisible people.

“They forget that the greatness of the Nigerian nation is derived from the various contributions of constituent parts.
“They forget the saying that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The NDLEA boss called on the NMS alumni to continue to be good ambassadors of the institution and to uphold its motto of discipline, knowledge, and patriotism.

Emphasising that leadership and vision were key to overcoming Nigeria’s challenges and achieving greatness, Marwa said, “Fellow NMS alumni, we know that our service to the nation is a continuum, without end. In my 70s, I am still serving this great nation.

“Those older than me are still serving Nigeria in various capacities, and we are still being guided by our loyalty to the country as enshrined in the NMS creed.

“Nothing less is required of every one of us. We should consider it our duty to lead by example in actions and utterances that promote peace, unity, and ultimately stability in our country.

“The rapid and deeply entrenched progress that we seek can only come about in a society, where peace reigns and unity prevails.

Furthermore, Marwa expressed optimism that Nigeria could overcome its challenges and achieve greatness if its citizens remained united and committed to the country’s progress.

He said, “Our noble institution has a great motto, which is discipline, Knowledge and patriotism. It should continue to be the guiding principle for our lives and careers.

“I am convinced that if we continue to sustain the NMS fellowship and our core tradition, we can turn around the country for the better.

“That entails that we continue to provide leadership anywhere we find ourselves. Be that ray of light in your little corner of the national life; be a positive influence.

“Also, be a solution provider, as we have been trained to be in public service or private practice,”he said.

In his remarks, President, NMS 84/32 POP, Dr. Augustine Benni, commended the Special Guest of Honour, Marwa, for honouring the invitation to attend the 40th anniversary celebration of the association.

Benni expressed gratitude to Marwa for his presence as it was a testament to the respect and admiration he had for the association adding that Marwa’s leadership qualities was a shining example of discipline and

He emphasised the importance of discipline in leadership, stating that “without discipline, we cannot be future leaders.”

He noted that the theme of the anniversary and reunion reflected the association’s desire to find solutions to some of the challenges facing the country.

He encouraged the association members to continue to uphold the values of discipline, knowledge and patriotism that they had learned at the NMS.

Benni, however, paid tribute to coursemates who had passed away during and after service, acknowledging their sacrifices and contributions to the nation.

Other speakers and Panelists at the event included the Emir of Zazzau, Dr Ahmed Bamali, Prof. Okey Ikechukwu, Issa Aremu, and the Ibenanaowel of Ekpetiama Kingdom, King Bubaraye Dakolo