Ogun Police arrest 52 year Man for defiling 6 year old girl

The Ogun State Police Command disclosed yesterday that its operatives on Wednesday 14th of June 2017 arrested one Isiaka Obadairo aged 52years for defiling a 6 years old girl.

His arrest followed a complaint from the mother of the victim one Mrs. Comfort Ajayi who reported at Sango Divisional Police Headquarters that while she was away to work, the suspect who is living in the same compound with her family called her 6years old daughter under the pretense of sending her on an errand, lured her into his room and forcefully had carnal knowledge of her.

Upon the report, the DPO Sango Ota Superintendent of Police Ogunwale Akinsola dispatched team of detectives to the scene at No 42 Ijamodo Estate, Osi Round about Ota and promptly arrested the culprit.

A statement by Police Public relations Officer, ASP Abimbola Oyeyemi said, “The victim has been taken to hospital for immediate medical attention.  

The statement said the Commissioner of Police, CP Ahmed Iliyasu has ordered the transfer of the suspect to Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Labour Unit of State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for proper investigation and possible prosecution of the suspect.