Oil Producers Trade Section Seeks Collaboration with Nigerian Navy, vists CNS

In a bid to further the collaboration in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry, a delegation from the Oil Producers Trade Section (OPTS) of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by its Executive Director, Mr Gwueke Ajaifia, on Wednesday paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla at the Naval Headquarters, Abuja.

The Oil Producers Trade Section is a private industry group comprising 29 upstream oil and gas companies.

According to the delegation, “the objective of the OPTS is to strengthen the long-term health of the industry by working closely with companies across the entire Industry, as well as the government and other stakeholders, to address issues of common concern to the industry.

They said “the visit was critical in view of the role played by the Nigerian Navy in protecting oil and gas infrastructure”.

During the visit the delegation used an opportunity to discuss major security challenges affecting oil and gas production.

“These include crude oil theft, illegal oil bunkering, kidnapping for ransom and sea robbery amongst others.

“As a result of these maritime crimes, Nigeria’s crude oil output fell from 1.89 million barrels per day in August 2016 to a dismal low of about 940,000 barrels per day in September 2022” they said..

The OPTS delegation appreciated the cordial relationship with the Nigerian Navy and solicited further support in order to achieve increased oil production.

“Furthermore, the development of marginal fields has increased the scale of activities in the industry thereby calling for enhanced security” they said.

Responding, the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla welcomed the OPTS delegation and emphasized the need for increased synergy incorporating a whole-of society approach to tackling security challenges.

He stated that the successes of Operation DELTA SANITY over the last 6 months have demonstrated that security partnerships are effective in eradicating crude oil theft and other maritime crimes.

“This is evidenced by the increase in Nigeria’s crude oil production to 1.28 million barrels per day in April 2024 after just 3 months of the Operation, marking a 4.07 per cent increase from the 1.23 million barrels per day recorded in March 2024.

The CNS appreciated the commitment of Mr President to increasing Nigeria’s oil output and enhancing transparency in the oil and gas industry.

He lauded the recent Presidential Approval of naval personnel to participate in the physicalisation of crude oil at loading terminals.

He pledged the commitment of the Nigerian Navy to supporting the oil and gas industry to enable Nigeria meet and surpass the nation’s OPEC quota of 1.7 million barrels per day.