Ops Green Sweep: NAF destroys Boko Haram Staging Area, Vehicle Workshop in massive raid in Tumbun Rego, Northern Borno

The Air Task Force (ATF) of Operation Lafiya Dole has destroyed a Boko Haram Terrorist (BHT) staging area and vehicle workshop on the outskirts of Tumbun Rego in Northern Borno State.

The operation, which took place on 15 November 2018, Day 2 of Operation Green Sweep, was conducted after NAF aircraft tracked some BHT vehicles from Kareto to a location 3Km Southwest of Tumbun Rego, where the BHTs had carefully concealed their vehicles, fuel storage facility and equipment under trees and vegetation.

Accordingly, the ATF attacked the location in a massive air raid involving multiple aircraft in successive waves of strikes leading to the destruction of some BHT vehicles and their fuel storage facility, which was seen engulfed in flames.

Several terrorists were also neutralized as a result of the strikes.

Ibikunle Daramola
Air Commodore, Director of Public Relations and Information, NAF