Peacekeeping: FG initiates new measures for troops performance & civilian protections in UN operations

Defence Minister, Mansur Muhammad Dan Ali at the weekend in New York, stated that the Nigerian government has initiated new measures aimed at enhancing troops performance and protection of civilians during peacekeeping operations.

Speaking at the United Nations Ministerial meeting on Uniformed Capabilities performance and protection of civilians at the UN headquarters, the minister said the measures include effective pre-deployment and in-mission training for troops as well as zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse among others.

Dan Ali said, “It is with great pleasure that I stand before you for the United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial meeting on Uniformed Capabilities Performance and Protection of Civilians.

“Let me start by expressing my appreciation to the United Nations and our host for organizing this important Ministerial meeting which presents opportunity to discuss and generate the specialized capabilities necessary for the United Nations Peacekeeping.

“I also want to applaud the Secretary General’s ongoing effort to strengthen peacekeeping operations through Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) Initiative with a specific focus on uniformed capabilities, performance and the protection of civilians.

‘Nigeria’s participation in UN Peacekeeping has declined significantly of recent, mainly due to her commitment to the war on insurgency in the North-Eastern part of the Country and
Sub-regional Peacekeeping commitments.

“I am pleased to inform Your Excellencies that a lot of successes have been achieved in the fight against terrorism and we are in the process of de-mining affected areas and rebuilding communities.

“These successes have no doubt been made possible with the collaboration from International Community and countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission.

“Despite the above mentioned challenges, Nigeria has continued to play its role in supporting the United Nations and other stakeholders to achieve international peace and security.

‘One of such areas is through the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre, Jaji in Kaduna State.

‘The Centre which is aimed at delivering realistic training packages on Peace Support Operations to potential United Nations and regional peacekeepers received recognition from the United Nations Integrated Training Service in August 2018.

“The renewal of the recognition has been requested by the Centre to meet up with international standards.

‘This was after the curriculum was reviewed and updated in line with the present-day peacekeeping contemporary challenges.

‘When approved, the Centre would serve as an additional training hub to the Regional Service Centre Entebbe, Uganda thereby reducing its burden.

“I am also pleased to state that the Federal Government of Nigeria has put in place adequate measures in enhancing the performance of our troops and protection of civilians during peacekeeping operations.

“These measures include effective
pre-deployment and in-mission training for troops, zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, clear leadership and instructions to troops as well as deployment of more female peacekeepers for effective peace operations and to better protect civilians amongst others.

“On this note, on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria, I wish to assure the United Nations of our continuous commitment and support to ensure international peace and security.
Thank you for listening.”

29 March 2019