Police Declaration, National Security Summit on curbing menace of kidnapping, recurring farmer-herders clashes and criminality in Nigeria.

Aftermath of the National Security Summit held by the Nigerian Police Force in partnership with the Leadership Newspapers in Abuja on May 12, 2017, the DIG Hyacinth Dagala led Communiqué committee has submitted its report to the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim Idris.

Consequently, the following declarations approved by the IGP were made.

(A), That the federal government should institute appropriate measures aimed at addressing structural crisis of marginalization, exclusion, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty and injustice through equitable distribution of public resources, industrialization, provision of healthcare services, decent housing, free and compulsory education, employment and other social amenities.

 (B), Government and Traditional Institutions should coordinate efforts towards mitigating the severe effects of violent conflicts and criminalities on women, children, the aged, and persons living with disabilities through an inclusive public policy that aims at addressing the marginal position of these citizens.

©, The federal government should curb the easy availability of small arms and light weapons (SLAWs) among the civil populace which has sustained criminalities and violent conflicts, further heightened by the fragility of peace building initiatives through the effective implementation of global best practices and conventions on illicit SALWs.

(D), The government should strengthen collective and collaborative initiatives especially between security and law enforcement organizations and the civil populace including traditional institution, the media, academia, women, youth and religious organizations at national and transnational levels in curbing the menace of kidnapping, recurring farmer-herders clashes and criminalities. The Nigerian Police Force is encouraged to explore existing platforms such as West African Police Chiefs Organization to host a summit to discuss the sub regional dimensions of the threats to security.

(E), The national assembly is encouraged to expedite the process of passing the ‘Nigeria Police Reform Trust Fund Bill’ to provide the framework for better funding of the force through the first line charge.

(F), The office of the Inspector General of Police and Chairman of the National Council of Traditional Rulers of Nigeria should initiate and facilitate the process to constitute the Eminent Persons Forum at all local, state and national levels. The eminent persons forum should composed of all relevant stakeholders to promote robust community policing.

The declaration was signed by the Inspector General of Police and the Sultan of Sokoto, Chairman of NCTRN.   Â