Rotary Club, Uselu donates Motorized Bike to Polio Victim

As part of activities marking the world polio day, the rotary club of Uselu, Benin City has donated a motorized bike to a polio victim.

— a cobbler to alleviate the —- —- in his quest to earn a living.

The presentation was made by the club’s president Chris Esheku, who had led other members including the assistant governor, district —————————– past president and chairman, rotary foundation, among others.

In his presentation speech, —-narrated how he saw the quality of being shoes being made by —- and went there to buy one only to discover that he was a polio victim, and he eventually became his customer and then thought to do to put a smile on his face.

“So when I became president, I said to myself and my team that we should be able to affect lives positively and make people happy. I led a team to ask him what he wanted. our thinking was that he would ask for money to boost his business, but instead he said his biggest challenge was how to get home and come to the bus stop every day.

“And that if anyone could buy him a motor cycle, he would forever be grateful. Then I took the project back to the board and it was adopted wholeheartedly. It was then that we raised money to buy this motor-bike for him, unknown to him,” Esheku said.

The elated Amu, who hailed from Owan West Local Government area of the state thanked the almighty God and the rotary club of Uselu for writing another chapter in his life history through the donation of the motor bike, which he never thought of owning in years to come.