Sambisa Bombardment: 68 Boko Haram Terrorists Surrender; as Theater Command assures others of safety.

Aftermath the sustained bombardment of Boko Haram enclaves and foiling of their logistics supply activities by troops of Operation Lafiya Dole in the fringes of Sambisa, 68 members of the terrorist group have surrendered to troops in the last three weeks.

Making the disclosure in a statement, the Theater Command assured other terrorists willing to surrender, of their safety and wellbeing saying the terrorists “can surrender to any military location nearest to them”.

The Theater Command in a statement signed by Onyema Nwachukwu noted that “The sustained operations against the remnants of the terrorist group have further pushed them to the brink of defeat with many of its foot soldiers willing to surrender to troops of Operation Lafiya Dole.

Titled ‘Call for Boko Haram Terrorists to Denounce Violence and Surrender to Troops of Operation Lafiya Dole’, the statement said, “Troops in the last few weeks have intensified onslaught against Boko Haram Terrorists through coordinated air and artillery bombardments of BHT enclaves across the Theatre.

“These bombardments are backed by long range patrols and ambushes targeted at preventing fleeing Boko Haram Terrorists from escaping and also denying them access to logistics supply.

“The sustained operations have further pushed the terrorist group to the brink of defeat with many of its foot soldiers surrendering to troops of Operation Lafiya Dole.

“So far, a total of 68 insurgents have denounced terrorists’ activities within the last 3 weeks.

“These surrendered terrorists also reported that many of the enclaves have become untenable and life has become unbearable for the Boko Haram Terrorists owing to the blockade emplaced by troops and the sustained bombardments.

“Those who have surrendered and turned a new leaf are currently undergoing rehabilitation and de-radicalization programmes organized by the Federal Government through Operation Safe Corridor.

“Undoubtedly, the ongoing operations by troops of Operation Lafiya Dole are yielding results and have put enormous pressure on the Boko Haram Terrorists.

“Evidently, this has contributed to the recent plea by one of the factional leaders of the group calling for international support.

“The Theatre Command therefore urges all Boko Haram insurgents to have a rethink and discard the hypocritical ideologies espoused by their leaders.

“They can surrender to any military location nearest to them. The Theatre Command assures them of their safety and well-being if they surrender willingly.

Onyema Nwachukwu,


Deputy Director, Army Public Relations,

Theater Command.