Saraki to Fanatics/Extremists-You are not good Muslims

 Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki on Saturday tongue-lashed all those who obstruct peace in the name of Islam as bad examples of what the Islamic religion stood for.

Speaking in Ilorin, at the end of the 31st National Quranic Memorization Competition, Saraki who is the Turakin Ilorin thanked the organizers of the competition for inviting him to be part of the gathering and the celebration noting that Allah would reward all the participants.

While tasking participants not to stop at only memorizing the Holy Book and proceed further by preaching the words of God, Saraki advised participants to take note of some key teachings of the Holy Books which hinged on ‘morality, justice, equity, love, compassion and respect for elders.

He said, “Use your knowledge of the Quran to let the world know that those who discourage people from acquiring education are not good Muslims.

“Let the world know that those who obstruct the peace of the world do not represent Islam.

 “Let the world know that our Holy Prophet lived peacefully with Christians and Jews.

 “He taught us to even emulate him. That is the essence of Hadiths. If we have taken to the words of Prophet Muhammmed (saw), there would have been peace and development in our country and the world over”.

Assuring that the National Assembly would never pass laws that would stifle practice of any religion; the Senate President hailed the participants who drawn from 33 states in Nigeria for their commitment to the competition’s objectives.

Emphasizing that the holy books also harps on the responsibility and burden of leadership which is why leaders must be responsible as they have a lot to account for before Allah, he said, “It is true that all of us are in one position of leadership or the other. We are leaders at various levels and we will be held accountable.

 “Even as a follower, we will be held accountable on whether we have played our role in making our leaders lead with the fear of Allah.

“I also want to assure you that the Senate in particular and the National Assembly in general will not enact any law that will stifle the freedom of worship.

“We will always work to ensure that people can freely practice their religion without fear”.

The senate President urged the Ulammahs to pray for the health of President Muhammadu Buhari.

“Let me use the opportunity of the gathering of distinguished members of the Ulammahs to ask that you all pray for our President, Muhammadu Buhari.

“May Almighty Allah continue to give him good health, the wisdom and know how to lead this country in peace and to prosperity.

 “Also, pray for our country to have peace, unity, economic prosperity and political stability and general development,”