SERAP condemns Amnesty for Boko Haram Terrorists.

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, SERAP, a human rights advocacy group, has condemned the planned granting of amnesty to Boko Haram by the Buhari administration even as it urged the Federal Government to skip the proposed move.

The condemnation was contained in an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari.  

The group argued that granting amnesty to members of the terrorist group, whose activities had resulted in the death of thousands as well as the displacement of many, would be counter-productive.

It advised that government’s focus should be centered on ensuring justice for the killed, maimed and displaced victims of the terrorist group, rather than introducing amnesty for the perpetrators.

The group warned that granting amnesty to the insurgents would only undermine peace and stability in the country, as it would encourage revenge and further violence.

The open letter which was signed by the Deputy Director, Timothy Adewale, read in part:

Boko Haram should not be allowed to escape the consequences of their crimes if the authorities are to prevent a cycle of revenge leading to further violence and conflict.

“We believe that granting amnesty to Boko Haram would be an open violation of the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 (as amended) and international law and would entail a virtual denial of justice for victims.

“The international community is pushing for accountability for those who commit the worst of human crimes, and no longer tolerating amnesty for war crimes, crimes against humanity or other gross violations of human rights.”

“Any amnesty for Boko Haram would take away the rights of the victims to justice, ignore the needs of the internally displaced persons, and never bring ‘closure’ to the mass atrocities committed by the group against Nigerians.”

It added that granting amnesty to the insurgents would prevent the government from addressing some fundamental issues committed by the group.

“Indeed, both individual victims and Nigeria would be disadvantaged by any amnesty to Boko Haram. Besides depriving the country of its opportunity to bring perpetrators to justice, it would also help to create a culture of impunity where perpetrators can anticipate immunity, and thus jeopardize the governing power of the authorities in the future”, it said.