Shake-Up: Navy Appoints New PSOs, FOCs; Redeploys 31 Senior Officers, Appoints New Naval Spokesman.

Thirty-one senior officer ofTthe Nigerian Navy has carried out a major shake up of its high command with the appointment of new Princioal Staff Officers (PSOs) and Flag Officers Commanding (FOCs).

The redeployment which was approved by the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla involved 24 Rear Admirals and 7 Commodores.

Those affected in the redeployment include the Director of Naval Information, Rear Admiral Adedotun Olukayode Ayo-Vaughan, who is redeployed to Headquarters Naval Training Command (NAVTRAC) as Chief Staff Officer (CSO).

Others are Rear Admiral Ibrahim Dewu who moves from Defence headquarters to NHQ and appointed Chief of Naval Safety, Rear Admiral OA Bankole moves from Naval Headquarters to Defence Headquarters (DHQ) as D DEF COOP; DO; Rear Admiral LC Izu moves from NHQ to NO as Admiral Superintendent, Naval Ordinancd Depot; Rear Admiral MN Madugu moves from Naval Ordinance Depot to NHQ as Director of Administration (DOA).
Rear Admiral ZS Muhammad moves up from within NHQ (CIT) as CCIT; Rear Admiral I Abbas moves NHQ to DHQ as Chief of Defence Civil-Military Cooperation.

Rear Admiral SA Akinwande moves from NHQ to HQ Eastern Naval Command) as Flag Officer Commanding, Rear Admiral IM Albara moves from NHQ to Headquarters Naval Training Command as Flag Officer Comnanding, Rear Admiral C Onyemaobi moves from NHQ to HQ Logidtics Command as Flag Officer Commanding,

Others include Rear Admirals OK Oluwagbire, from HQ Eeatern Naval Command to NHQ as Chief of Logistic, Resr Admiral EO Ferreira moves from HQ Operation Delta Sanity to NHQ as Chief of Training and
Operations; Rear Admiral B Iyalla moves from HQ Logistics Command) to NHQ as Director of Naval Transformation; Rear Admiral PC Nwantu moves from HQ NAVTRAC to NHQ as Naval SecretaryVSEC (Navy Secretary.

Rear Admiral Haruna moves from Eeastern Naval Command to NHQ as Directof of Policy, Rear Admiral JN Mamman moves from Western Naval Command to NHQ as Director of Training, Rear Admiral JU Okeke move from Central Naval Command and is appointed Commander, Operation Delta Sanity.

Rear Admiral PK Zakaria moves from HQ LOC to NHQ (NASS) as Director Audit; Rear Admiral PS Anabrabra moves from Naval War College Nigeria to NHQ as Director of Operations, Rear Admiral SD Atakpa moves from HQ NAVTRAC to NHQ as Director of Manning.

Rear Admiral A Baba moves from NHQ to HQ Western Naval Command as Chief Staff Officer, Rear Admiral AA Mustapha moves from NHQ to HQ Logistics Command as Chief Staff Officer, Rear Admiral OO Soyemi mives from NHQ – HQ Central Naval Command as Chief Staff Officer and Rear Admiral EA Zipele moves from NHQ to HQ Eastern Naval Command as Chief Staff Officer.

For the Commodores, Commodore MY Abba moves from NHQ to NNS Delta as Commander, Commodore M Fakprogha moves to NNS Jubilee as Commander, Commodore M Ide is appointed Deputy Commandant of Navy War College of Nigeria (NWCN).

Commodore KO Oguntugha is PSO to CNS, Commodore RT Oladejo is Commander NNS Beecroft, Commodore CU Yahaya is redeployed to DPR and Commodore A. Adams-Aliu is the Director of Naval Information

The handing and taking over dates sre expected take place between February 12 and February16, 2024.