Social Media Use: COAS Tasks Commanders  On Troops Compliance With Extant Rules & Professionalism; vows To Restore Lost Glory of Command Secondary Schools.


The Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya has directed GOC’s and Formation Commanders to immediately emplace measures that will ensure thorough compliance with extant Nigerian Army policies on administration, operations, training and the use of social media amongst others.

He gave the directive just as he taskes the Departments of Training and Administration of the Nigerian Army to work with the Corps of Education to ensure that all challenges of Command Secondary Schools identified are adequately addressed.

Lt. General Faruk Yahaya gave the directives at the closing ceremony of the Second Quarter Chief of Army Staff Conference in Abuja on Friday.

General Yahaya disclosed that education is key to the development of soldiers and officers families in the Barracks.

He said, “Formation Commanders should ensure that our Command Secondary Schools are accorded priority and all hands must be on deck to ensure that the previous glories that the schools are known for are surpassed.



“All resources provided must be judiciously utilized and we must note that effective management of the schools is a command responsibility.

“Additionally, the Departments of Training and Administration must work with the Corps of Education to ensure that all challenges of Command Secondary Schools identified are adequately addressed.

Reiterating the need for continuous enlightenment of troops on the basic tenets of military professionalism as they go about their activities, the COAS said, “All our personnel must abide by the extant provisions of the traditions, customs and ethics of the Nigerian Army.

“They must be of high moral character and act in accordance with the law as well as international best practices. Let me also remind you all that adherence to Army Headquarters directives is a command responsibility.

“Thus, I expect all commanders to emplace measures that will ensure thorough compliance with extant Nigerian Army policies on administration, operations, training and the use of social media amongst others.

The COAS also disclosed that the spate of criminal activities across the country demands a high state of readiness amongst our troops both in the barracks and theatres of operation.

Consequently, he directed Commanders to ensure that troops under command continue to train rigorously in anticipation of likely future operational tasks.

Furthermore he directed that particular attention must be paid to enhancing basic combat skills of our troops to enable them operate with ease whenever called upon while ensuring sound welfare and administration of troops which will enable them perform their duties with greater diligence.

He said, “I implore Commanders at all levels to organize regular durbars, meetings and conference which would provide veritable platforms for addressing administrative issues that could hamper the efficiency of their respective formations and units”.

He reminded Commanders that as the 2023 General Elections approaches, troops under their command must remain apolitical and operate professionally.

“You (Commanders) must continuously review your contingency plans for the provision of security support through an effective mechanism of cooperation with other security stakeholders.

“As earlier highlighted during my opening remarks, the reviewed Rules of Engagement and Code of Conduct for Operation Safe Conduct guiding troops during the upcoming 2023 General Elections will be distributed in earnest. I therefore urge you to thoroughly sensitize troops on their contents and implore them to operate in accordance with extant provisions throughout the period, he noted.”

Gen Yahaya assured President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigerian Army’s unwavering resolve to timely eliminate all threats to national security in collaboration with sister Services and other security agencies.

He urged all commanders to maintain positive attitude and inculcate them in all personnel under their command.

Continuing he said, “The recent establishment of the Directorate of Housing under the Department of Army Logistics as well as the development of a comprehensive housing and energy policy for the Nigerian Army are laudable steps which are expected to ensure efficient service delivery.

“The policies when finalized would provide a comprehensive framework for the allocation of accommodation as well as the prudent utilization of energy in all Nigerian Army barracks and cantonments.

“Furthermore, I intend to sustain the procurement of more vehicles, arms, ammunition and other technical spares needed for the successful conduct of our operations. It therefore behooves on Commanders at all levels to ensure the judicious utilization and maintenance of these resources to achieve the desired effects as well as end state.”