Soldier’s Letter to Buhari; Say Campaign against Buratai aimed at scuttling war on Terror.

Fallacy, lies and Sabotage Campaign Against the Chief of Army Staff.

It has become necessary that having followed the trend of events in the recent pass, we the soldiers of the Nigerian Army deployed in the North East to fight the insurgents wish to state the records straight as they are.

We have notices with great dismay that, some group of miscreants and disgruntled element who does not know what it takes to fight war and as a result continue to gang up and be writing all series of nonsense letters and write up against our beloved Chief of Army Staff who has been trying all his best to make sure the fight against the insurgents must be completely won.  

It is on this note that, having stated the above we the soldiers here in the North East are equally writing to tell PMB and Nigerians at large never to believe or pay attention to such letters or writeup because such letters are not from the soldiers in the North East or even serving soldiers.

Let it also be on record that base on the great achievement so far recorded by the Chief of Army Staff, some of the mischief makers are not happy thereby writing all sorts of useless letters and write up in other to make Nigerians believe such letters and write up are from the soldiers in the North East.

Mr. President, it will equally interest you to have it on record that, before u came into power, almost all the Local government Areas in Borno State were in control of Boko Haram terrorists but today we the soldiers deployed here through the able leadership of our Chief of Army Staff, the rest is for the world to see and judge.

Sambia forest that was the Headquarters of Boko Haram terrorists where no one dears to go into before the Chief of Army Staff was appointed by you, today even the last Nigeria Army Small Arms competition was conducted in the forest after the captured of the forest by we the soldiers here.

Yes agreed that for 2 months our Operational allowance was not paid before now but as we write to you sir, all our entitlement have been paid to us.

Again it is necessary for Nigerians to know that, the nonpayment of our operational allowance was not as a result of the Chief who did not pay the money as those mischief makers wanted Nigerians to believe base on their dumbfounded write-up.

 It may also interest the public to know that, the Chief of Army Staff does not run the Nigerian Army with his personally money but rather it is the duty of the Federal Government through the ministry of defence to release money for the running of the Nigerian Army and there is no time the FG releases such money to the Nigerian Army through the ministry of defence that, the Chief of Army Staff did not make such money available to us/

And so Mr. President please we the soldiers here are pleading with you not to listen to all those sycophants including your political opponents who have even gone as far as playing politics with the security of the nation just because of their selfish interest.

We want to assure you that, we remain firm behind our hard working Chief of Army Staff who have always not only making available all weapons and materials for us to engage the enemy but do come around to visit us on a monthly basis.

Mr. President it may also interest you to know that, as a good commander who has the interest of his troops at hart, each time our Chief pay us a visit here in the North East, he do sleep with us in the theater, eat our food and even carry out advance operation with us. We wish to also let you know that, there is no festivity celebration that our Chief has never abandoned his comfort zone to come and celebrate with us here and he will personally serve us (the troops) meal by himself.

This is the same Chief who has promoted almost 7,0000 soldier’s (that is we the soldiers here fighting the insurgency in the North East) to the next higher rank since he assumed the command of the Nigerian Army in other to encourage us to keep the flag flying.

This is the same Chief who recall back almost all our colleagues (soldiers) who were dismissed by the last government for reasons that they ran away or that they refuse to fight the insurgents even when the government refused to buy weapons for us to engage the terrorist.

This is the same Chief who make sure all our entitlements both financially and materially are being given to us as soon as possible because he doesn’t want us to face the enemy without good morale.

This is the same Chief who by way of encouragement has promoted some of our colleagues here in the theater to the rank of officers who deserve such promotion due to their act of being gallant.

Mr. President, we can go on and on to mention all his achievements since u appointed him as the Chief of Army Staff but we equally know that as a former military head of state and as Mr. President who receives briefing on both security and other matters affecting the country at large, we believe that you knows more about his achievements than we do.

 Please Mr. President don’t be distracted or to even give attention to such cook stories coming from no other person’s other than some sycophants including some of your political opponents but rather sir, we ask that our Chief should be appreciated with more higher responsibilities and appointment.

Again Mr. President, assuming our able Chief did not lead our colleagues who do call to inform us here in the theater on how the Chief personally lead Operation Python dance to the South East and with all the success recorded, who knows if IPOB and their leaders would have ended up driving the country by now.

This is because if not for the military intervention when IPOB has even recruited their own security outfit and even having their quarter guard which was inspected by their leader now at large, then the rest could have been stories by now. It is on record that ever since the operation was conducted, IPOB has completely become history.

Mr. President, we are still being informed by our colleagues that same operation is still being led by our own Chief in other region of the country with a lot of success recorded even as we do receive the success information from our colleagues through communication.

Mr. President please remember you visited us here in Maiduguri during our recent Independence day celebration and if there was any challenges we face we would have pointed it out to you during the visit because you gave us room for questions.

However, you notice that there was no question or complain from any quarters because a child does not complain when he/she is well taken care of Mr. President we remain strong and happy because our Chief is always there for us and so we the soldiers here in the North East promise to continue with the battle until Boko Haram terrorists are completely flush out of the country.

Mr. President we are mindful of the fact that, while our military command including our able Chief continue to make all necessary efforts to encourage us to keep the flag flying, please sir remember that saboteurs who are not happy that a lot of success and achievements are being recorded especially with the degrading of the insurgents during your administration and with the support of our able Chief, the saboteurs will continue to come up with cook stories by way of anonymous letters address to you or any other organs of the government.

 Sir, we want to assure you that even at that, our morale will always remain high. Again to the saboteurs, be informed that all our operational allowance have been paid to us and so if u like go and cook another story but we remain strong and behind our hard working Chief and our morale remain high as always because no amount of propaganda will make us (we the troops here to abandoned the fight against the insurgents).

This is because the support we received as always from our able Chief remain intact. Mr. President please we also plead that you please kindly grant more funds to the military because as a very senior former military officer.

Sir you know it better that even during your time when the military was not face with this kind of serious security challenges, the funds were not enough and not to mention now that the fight against terrorism has a very long way to go which involved much funding to encounter such threat.

We pray and hope that our request will be granted so that our Army authority can do more for us here in the theater.

It is our hope that, after listening to us here u can always clarify issues with our hard working Chief whenever the propagandist come up with any cook stories against the soldiers in the North East.

We assure you that we shall remain royal to your government and the Nigeria military but we have equally taken it as a responsibility to always as soon as possible counter any letter or write up carrying fake stories and information about us here in the theater because we can no longer allow such fake stories to den our collective image as good soldiers including the good image of the Nigerian military.

Long live Mr. President, long live the Nigeria military and long live our able Chief of Army Staff. Sign concerned soldiers of 152 Battalion fighting the insurgents in the North East.