Southern Kaduna Killings: Christians troop to Church in Black, pray for peace in Nigeria.

Christians across the Northern States on Sunday observed a day of national mourning over persistent killings in Southern part of the state by dressing in black to church.

The national body of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) directed Churches across the country to observe Sunday 8th a day for prayer and mourning over the killings of Christian faithful in Southern Kaduna.

In compliance with the directive, Christians offered prayers for God’s intervention over the situation in Southern Kaduna.

At the Methodist Cathedral of Grace, Kubwa, Abuja, the Bishop of Kubwa Diocese, Methodist Church Nigeria, Rt Revd Dr Chikwendu O. Igwe led Methodist members in the Diocese to pray for peace and tranquility in Southern Kaduna and other troubled spots in the country.

The congregation prayed for God’s intervention in the affairs of the country and for God to silence and trouble all troublers of Nigerians especially Christians.

At the National Secretariat, CAN observed the mourning Service at ECWA Hausa 1 Kagoro in Kagoro Chiefdom- of Kaura Local Government Area, Kaduna State on behalf of the Nigeria Church as contact point to meet, fellowship and encourage victims of attackers.

CAN President, Rev. Samson Ayokunle was represented by the National CAN General Secretary, Dr Musa Asake in company of the CAN National Director for Legal and Public Affairs, Evang. Barr. Kwamkur Samuel and a team of other CAN and Church leaders with surrounding communities.

The Sunday service was celebrated by worship songs, prayer for Nigeria Church, Nigerians and the government.

The CAN team gave the victims of attackers assurance of God’s faithfulness and intervention, adding that all Christians nationwide are standing with them.

Dr. Musa Asake who represented the CAN President assured Christians that the new leadership of CAN will do everything to ensure the unity of the church and stand with all brethren in trial at all times.

CAN commended Christians for observing the solemn black Sunday, just as they urged believers to continue to pray for the unity of the church worldwide and those fighting against the unity of the church in Nigeria

The team later paid a condolence visit to the Chief of Kagoro, HRH Ufuwai Bonet.

The Chief commended the thoughtfulness of the national CAN and commended all Christians for standing with them in their most trying period.

Ex-Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General, Kaduna State, Barr. Mark Jacob said “for me, as native of Southern Kaduna, one message that has come out of this is that the killings of natives of Southern Kaduna are now receiving the attention of other people.”

“It is symbolic of the cause. The prayers and mourning shall surely reach God and the government of Nigeria has to take decisive action to stop the killings. That even children could be obey the instruction of CAN, shows that the Christian body is one and united on this issue.

“I was in two at the Catholic Church in Kafanchan, and I saw that all persons were in black, despite an attempt by a section of the Catholic Church to dissuade their members from wearing black,” he said.

“We devoted about 10 minutes to pray for Southern Kaduna,” said Pastor Edwin Ogbona of Life Eternal Ministry, Bakin Kogi, in Kauru LGA of Kaduna State.