Terror War: NAF Flags Off Additional Accommodation for Frontline Troops; Expands Apron at Maiduguri Base.

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF), on 26 October 2017, commissioned another 30 units of 3 by 10 bedrooms for its frontline personnel at the NAF Base in Yola.

 The Chief of Administration at NAF Headquarters Abuja, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Lawal Alao, commissioned the new accommodation for the personnel in Yola on behalf of the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar.

According to AVM Alao, NAF Base Yola is critical to the ongoing counterterrorism and hence, the need to ensure that the personnel are properly accommodated.

He also seized the opportunity to commend the dedication of the commanders and their personnel, adding “your commitment and daily sacrifices to the fight against the Boko Haram terrorists is a pride to the Service and indeed, the Nation”.

On 27 October 2017, the CAS equally commissioned 3 blocks of 10 and 1 by 30 studio apartment’s for the frontline personnel serving at the NAF Base Maiduguri.

 He said that the additional accommodation was to emplace a conducive residential environment as a way of encouraging the personnel in their arduous task in the frontline.

 In addition, Air Marshal Abubakar commissioned the newly extended flight line apron at the NAF 105 Composite Group Maiduguri.

The total expanded area of the apron is 9175m2, as reported by Flight Lieutenant Musa, who supervised the project.

The CAS said the apron was extended to increase the space available for holding and maneuvering all aircraft detailed for operations in the Northeast.

“This is especially considering that more platforms are being reactivated and new ones are being expected to further prosecute the counterterrorism campaign”, he said.

The CAS also assured the personnel that Mr. President was doing everything humanly possible to restore the past glory of the NAF as a leading air force on the Continent.

Furthermore, he commended the gallant personnel for their sacrifices and efforts, which had led to the dislodging of the Boko Haram combatants from their hideouts.

In his welcome address at the commissioning ceremony in Maiduguri, the Air Officer Commanding Tactical Air Command, AVM Mohammed Idris, praised the ability of the CAS to consistently strike the right balance between the management of warfare and the management of the personnel welfare, in a bid to enhance professional competence.

He further stated that the consistent provision of accommodation to meet the needs of the frontline personnel had improved the living standards of the personnel and enhanced their productivity.

He then mentioned some of the ongoing projects in the Unit including the construction of additional Single Officers’ Quarters, a multipurpose hall, gymnasium as well as the renovation of the Air Force Primary School, remarking that the personnel’s morale would be further boosted once the projects are completed.

The newly commissioned projects are intended to provide the necessary thrust for the frontline personnel to continue to contribute meaningfully towards the collective efforts at meeting the demands of National Security.


