There is no travel time restriction in Maiduguri-Army

False Circulation of Travel Time Restriction into Maiduguri

The attention of 7 Division Nigerian Army has been drawn to a circultion on social media of a purported travel time restriction on travellers to Maiduguri.

The statement is completely false and clearly a mischief intended to misinform, cause disaffection.and breach the peace.

At no time was any such statement issued by anyone on any travel time restriction.

Once more for the avoidance of doubt the general public is please informed that there is no travel time restriction of any kind emanating from 7 Division or signed by anyone.

The good people of Borno and other law abiding visitors are enjoined to go about their lawful businesses and continue to avail the security agencies with timely information to counter insurgency and other sundry crime.

Kingsley Mfon Samuel
Deputy Director,
Army Public Relations,