Troops Foil Boko Haram Attempt to attack IDP Camp in Dalori

Troops Foil BHTs Attempted Attack on IDP Camp:

The Nigerian Army lsat night foiled an atempt by scores of Boko Haram terrorists to attack one of the largest IDP camps in the North East in Dalori, Borno State

A statement in the Army’s Twitter Handle released early hours of Thursday said the terrorists carried out their attempt at about 10 pm on Wednesday night.

It said, “Troops of 251 Task Force Battalion successfully foiled a BHT attempted Attack on Kofa Village and Dalori IDP camp in Maiduguri on 31 Oct 18 at about 10 pm.

“The terrorists gained access through a bush part behind the village in 4 vehicles and some motorcycles.

“They ransacked the market in front of the IDP camp.

“On sighting Nigerian Army troops that were mobilized to the area, they set some houses and the market ablaze and fled along Maiduguri-Bama Road.

” However, one civilian was found dead.

“Own troops are presently assisting the villagers who ran into the bush back to their homes while the Borno State Fire Service have contained the inferno.’