Troops Storm Bandit’s Den in Zamfara Forest, Tsafe, Rescue 32 Kidnapped Women,18 Children; destroy several illegal Refineries in South-South, recover 7million litres of stolen PMS, 10million litres of AGO

Troops fighting against banditry in the North West have rescued 32 kidnapped Women and 18 Children from Bandit’s den in Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State

Troops rescued the kidnapped victims when following a distress call about a terrorists attack on Wanzamai, they stormed the community and engaged the bandits/terrorists in an encounter.

Director of Defence Media Operations, Major Gen Bernard Onyeuko who confirmed the operation also disclosed that a total of 179 civilians were rescued, 62 terrorists neutralized while100 terrorists were arrested in the North West.

Giving an update on Operation Hadarin Daji, Onyeuko said, “Troops successfully foiled terrorist attack in Bakura village in Bakura Local Government Area of Zamfara. In the process unconfirmed numbers of terrorist were neutralized while 200 rustled cattle were recovered.

“Troops also conducted operational activities in other locations such as Kanoma Birni, Kanoma Dumma in Maru Local Government Area, Jaya village of Moriki District in Zurmi Local Government Area and Bakura village in Bakura Local Government Area all in Zamfara State.

“Other locations include; Batagarawa and Mashi Local Government Area of Katsina State, Dalolo village in Gange Shuni Local Government Area of Sokoto State and Maibuhu village in Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State respectively.

“Cumulatively, troops recovered 592 rustled cattle, 45 different assorted weapons, 80 rounds of different caliber ammunitions, 50 motorcycles.

“Troops also rescued 179 civilians, neutralized 62 terrorists and apprehended 100 terrorists.

“All recovered items, rescued and apprehended terrorists were handed over to the appropriate authorities for further action”.

In the North Central, troops of Operation Whirl Stroke in efforts to get rid of unscrupulous elements and restore peace and normalcy to the general area arrested one Leggi Jobrin a notorious gun runner and kidnapper who has been terrorizing the people of Gidan Bawa village of Nasarawa Local Government Area and he is also on the wanted list of operation Whirl Stroke.

“Operational activities were also conducted in Umerger, Bakin Kolta, Branch, Tse Fawuma, Dauda in Nbadwen Council Ward, Tumuyi, Gbajimba, Tse-Nyialagh, Chijuo village in Guma Local Government Area, Anongo, Nyikyaa in Mbayongo Council Ward of Katsina Ala Local Government Area, and Mbabubu village, Gaambe Ushin Council Ward, Akpata in Tyoughatee in Jaha Council Ward in Gwer Local Government Area.

Others are Akpaniho village in Apa Local Government Area, Odejo Under Odugbeho Council Ward of Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State. Other locations include; Timberline area in Wukari town of Taraba State and Gidan Bawa village in Nasarawa Local Government Area of Nasarawa State respectively.

“Consequently, troops recovered 5 AK 47 rifles, 6 AK7 magazines, 110 rounds of 7.62mm ammunitions, 5 mobile phones, 8 motorcycles and 7 cutlasses. While 6 bandits were arrested. All recovered items and apprehended bandits have been handed over to the appropriate authorities for further action.

In the South-South, troops of Operatiin Delta Safe clamped down on the activities of oil thieves and other criminal elements in such areas as Egwa, Opumami, Zion Creeks in Warri North Local Government Area, Okpoko Water Ways, Edjeba Community, Bennett Island in Warri South Local Government Area, Asugbo in Warri Local Government Area, Yeye Creek in Burutu Local Government, Emohua and Warri South Local Government Area.

Othhers are Umudaike in Oshimili South, Oleh in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, Awoba in Degema Local Government Area, Embikri Ifoko in Asari Toru Local Government Area of River State.

“Within the period under reviewed, own troops discovered several illegal refining sites with 133 ovens, 194 metal tanks storages, 127 dugout pits, 5 wooden boats, 12 receivers, 2 ovens, 2 engines, 2 pumping machines, 1 oxygen cylinder, 1 motorcycle, 1 jetta vehicle, 4,000 polythene bags of illegal refined black oil and 5 trucks.

“Cumulatively, Seven Million, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Two Thousand (7,732,000) litres of crude oil and Ten Million, Eight Hundred and Twenty-One Thousand, Six Hundred and five (10,821,605) litres of AGO was recovered.

“All recovered items have been handed over to the appropriate authorities for further action.

“Similarly, troop of Operation Dakatar Da Barawo conducted operations in Asugbo, Egwa, Lelema, Jones creeks in Delta State.

“Other operational activities that were conducted were by NNS Lugard at location off Akili Ozizor community in Ogbaru Local Government Area Anambra State, NNS Victory at Habour road in the city of Calabar, while NNS Soroh conducted operational activities within Ereweibio creek in Brass Local Government Area, Otuokpot area along Kolo creek, Ogbia waterside, Saint Nicholas Axis from Akasa area of Bayelsa State respectfully.

“Furthermore, during the operation troops discovered and destroyed several illegal refinery sites, 145 ovens, 201 storage metal tanks, 9 pumping machines, 1 Yamaha 40HP outboard engines, 55 dugout pits, 58 drums of AGO, 2 wooden boats, 100 polythene bags illegally refined AGO, I tanker loaded with illegal refined AGO.

“Cumulatively, a total of One Million Seven Hundred and Eighteen Thousand (1,718,000) litres of AGO, Three Million Eight Hundred (3,800,000) litres of crude oil, Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand (350,000) litres of sludge, Twenty Thousand (20,000) litres of PMS and One Hundred Thousand (100,000) litres of DPK.

“All arrested criminals and recovered items were handed over to the appropriate authorities for further actions.

“In the North East, troops if Operation Hadin Kai with support of the air components conducted offensive operation in Arina Woje in Marte Local Government Area of Borno State and neutralized a prominent Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) Commander Abubakar Dan-Buduma and scores of the terrorists.

“Also a notorious informant and logistic supplier to the Islamic State of West Africa Mallam Abba Sidi Lawan was arrested at Auno town in Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State.

“Additionally, the operation led to the destruction of terrorists enclaves and their central workshop where vehicles are fabricated for vehicle borne Improvised Explosive Device (IED).

“Troops also conducted operational activities in Mallam Maja in Angua Baba, Kajimari, Mireri Villages in Dikwa Local Government Area, Damasak in Mobbar Local Government Area, Kwatara hill, Pulka-Kirawa, Ngimari, Gasa Zamani, Garat, Mbalula, Chabbo, Jabullam Kukawa Villages in Abadam and Baga Local Government Area, Sabon Gari in Damboa Local Government Area, Auno Town in Konduga Local Government Area, New Mante, Wurge and Da’ala village, Grusulu Dikwa-Marte, Amdaga, Balazola, Ndakaime, Jango Sabah and Gobara, Gwoza, Yamteke Gargash, Gumshe, Modu and Pala Pala, Kotokuma villages.

Others were Bogomari, Chachile, Bula Daloye, Diffa near Nigeria/Niger border, Beji-Beji and Yimirgza villages in Askira-Uba and Chibok Local Government Area, Damboa-Bulabulin-Komala, Marte, Wulgo Ngurosoye along Bama-Banki Junction, Kopre Dutse Uku and Zah general area all in Borno State. Other location include; Butum Biyu village in Gassol Local Government Area of Taraba State.

“In another development, Islamic State of West Africa Province fighters on 5GTs attempted to attack Nigerian Petroleum Product Company Depot in Diffa near Nigeria/Niger border. The attack was repelled and unspecified number of terrorists were killed.

“Subsequently, the Joint Security Forces of Nigeria and Niger Republic successful destroyed the 5GTs. Similarly, troops arrested Abdurrazaq Hudu a logistics supplier of Islamic State of West Africa Province at Mutum Biyu village in Gassol Local Government Area of Taraba State.

“Consequently, own troops recovered of 49 AK 47 rifles, 728 rounds of 7.62mm, 4 MG’s, 1 G3 rfiles, 3 60mm mortar, 1 AA gun, 1 SMG, 6 Magazines, 1 hand grenade, 1 UXO anti tank RPG bomb, 11 dane guns, 1 gun tripod, 1 binocular, 5 bandoliers, 8 crowbas.

“Other items recovered which includes; 7 motorcycles, 31 bicycles, 4 heavy duty generators, 3 Canoes, 3 tri-cycles, 4 motorcycles, 22 sewing machines, 1 video camera, 4 grinding machines, 8 mobile phones, 4 cars, 4 trucks, 1 Toyota buffalo vehicle, 8 drums of grains, medical syringes and 43,000:00 Naira cash.

“A total number of 1,158 terrorists and their families surrendered to own troops within the period under review comprising 164 men, 367 women and 627 children. Also, troops neutralized 23 terrorists, rescued 619 civilians and arrested 19 terrorists.

“All surrendered Boko Haram Terrorists, recovered items, rescued civilians and captured terrorists have been handed over to appropriate authorities for further actions”.

In operation Safe Haven, “As part of the non kinetic operations measure to bring lasting peace to the troubled parts of Kaduna State and other parts of the theatre, the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen LEO Irabor conducted an operational visit to Kaduna State where he met with critical stakeholders drawn from 5 local government areas of the troubled parts of Southern Kaduna.

“He also interacted with retired military senior officers of Southern Kaduna extraction to chart ways towards bringing an end to the incessant attacks in the area. The visit has impacted positively to the peace efforts in the area.

“In a related development, troops while on patrol received a distress call on the activities of criminal elements in Heipang in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State. Troop quickly moved into a swift action and on sighting own troops the criminal fled in disarray. The exploit led to the recovery of 178 rustled cows. The recovered cows were handed over to the appropriate authority for further handing over to the owner.”

“Troops also carried out series of community engagements, sensitization programme and civil military cooperations activities to engage relevant civil society in a non-kinetic approach in resolving lingering security challenges which has recorded a huge successes in curtailing banditry and other criminals related activities in the theatre of operation”.

“In another development, on 21 April 2022, the Commander of OPERATION Safe Haven at its Headquarters in Jos handed over a total of 517 small arms and light weapons recovered from bandits and other criminal elements to the Coordinator North Central Zone of the National Centre for the control of Small Arms and Light Weapons.

“The breakdown of the weapons are 26 AK 47 rifles, 1 FN, 2 Barreta rifles, 3G3 rifles, 6 Barreta pistols, 1 Harris Bing pistols and 1 SMG. Others include 183 locally fabricated rifles, 163 dane guns, 102 locally fabricated pistols, 19 locally fabricated SMGs, 6 single barrel guns and pump action gun.

In the Siuth East, “The proscribed Independent People of Biafra attacked the South East Security outfit Ebube Agu at Echara/Agubia in Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi in the process one of the assailants was killed and 5 others were arrested.

“In a related development troops of 82 Division arrested 4, criminals elements of the Independent People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network and recovered some AK 47 rifles, one pistol, 5 magazines, 30 rounds of 7.62mm (special) and some rounds of 9mm in Abakaliki.”