Trust Political and Military Leadership in Lake Basin to End Terrorism – MNJTF Force Commander Urges Troops.

The Force Commander Multinational Joint Task Force, Major General Lucky Irabor has urged officers and men of the Task Force to trust political and military leadership of countries of the Lake Chad Basin to bring Boko Haram terrorism to a decisive and successful end.  

Major General Irabor made the charge on Wednesday while addressing Cameroonian and Nigerian troops in Wulgo at the Nigeria – Cameroon border.  

The Commander observed that as soldiers, the primary responsibility is to proffer workable solutions to defence and security challenges facing countries of the Lake Chad Basin, taking a cue from directions provided by political and military authorities.  

He noted that the fact that Boko Haram terrorists do not respect or recognize international borders in their quest to foist a regime of terror on the region, suggests that troops should rise above national sentiments and pursue a common goal. 

Earlier, Major General Irabor was briefed on the progress of the first phase of Operation AMNI FAKAT and preparations for the next phase of the operation.  

The Force Commander expressed satisfaction with the clearance of Bukar Maryam, Koloram and Abaganaram, as well as the establishment of strong points in Gashigar, Metele and Arege.  

He commended troops for their sacrifices, but urged more commitment and resilience in order to bring a lasting solution to the Boko Haram problem. 

In a related development the Force Commander also visited headquarters of Sector 3 and Nigerian Navy outpost both in Baga, to assess operational readiness for future military engagements.  

At Baga, the Force Commander thanked officers, soldiers and ratings in both locations and commended their steadfastness and dedication to the eradication of Boko Haram terrorism. #

Picture shows the Force Commander inspecting arms, ammunition and other items seized from Boko Haram during the first phase of Operation AMNI FAKAT during the visit.


Colonel Timothy Antigha

Chief Military Public Information

MNJTF, N’Djamena, Chad.