Vice Admiral Hlongwane, South African Chief of Naval Staff Commence 5-day visit to Nigeria

Preparations by the Nigerian Navy Authorities have been con­cluded for the visit of the Chief of Naval State of South Africa, Vice Admiral Mosiwa Samuel Hlongwane to Nigeria.

Hlongwane who is on a five-day work­ing visit to Nigeria is scheduled to arrive Nigeria on Saturday, September 23, 2017.

Acting Director, Navy Information, Captain Suleiman Da­hun, said in a statement Thursday; that the visit will focus on creation of strategic frame­work for information sharing and mutual assistance as well as mutual cooperation between the South African Navy and the Nigerian Navy.

Activities lined up for the visit in­clude guided tour of naval establishments and units, as well as courtesy calls on the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Abayomi Olonisakin and the Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok Ette-Ibas.

He will also pay visits to the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar and the Commandant Na­tional Defence Col­lege Abuja.