Visit of Governor-General of Canada & Firing of Artillery Gun; Guards Brigade urge Public not to panic.

The Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency Julie Payette is scheduled to visit the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 28 – 30 October 2018.

As part of the ceremonial activities for the visit, there would be provision of guard of honour and the traditional firing of Artillery Gun salute on 28 October 2018 at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport.

In view of the above, the general public is informed, especially those living within the Airport and its environs not to panic at the sound of the simulated firing of military weapons during the aforementioned date.

Meanwhile, the Guards Brigade Inter Unit Drill Competition is scheduled to hold on 30 October 2018 at Guards Brigade Garrison Parade Ground Abuja.

A statement by Capt. Haruna Tagwai, Assistant Director, Army Public Relations said “The competition is aimed at retraining soldiers to be proud, alert and obedient which also provides the basis for teamwork. “