War on Terror: Theatre Command organizes Cadre Course for Newly Posted Field Commanders/Staff Officers

In an effort to put the Commanders and Staff officers newly posted into Operation Lafiya Dole theatre in the correct frame of mind to conduct Counter terrorism and Counter insurgency operations in the North East, the Theatre Commander, Operation Lafiya Dole, Major General Benson Akinroluyo, on Thursday 13th December 2018 declared open an orientation and induction cadre for commanders and staff officers at the Maimalari Cantonment Officers’ Mess, Maiduguri.

During the inauguration, the Theatre Commander reminded the newly posted in officers that their selection, posting and appointment into the Operational theatre was premised on the confidence reposed in them by the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Yusuf Buratai and therefore urged them to work hard to justify the confidence.

He further noted that the cadre is the first of its kind in the Theatre and aims at equipping the officers with vital information which they will require in planning for effective command and administration in their respective appointments.

While urging the officers to take the cadre course very seriously, the Theatre commander pointed out that the cadre course for the newly inducted officers is no doubt in tandem with the actualization of the Chief of Army Staff vision to enhance professionalism in the Nigerian Army through training, seminars, management retreats and exercises.

General Akinroluyo recalled the days when the Armed Forces of Nigeria (AFN) received global accolade for combat efficiency outside the shores of Nigeria and urged the newly inducted officers to repeat those glorious battlefield successes in Nigeria.

He expressed grief over the cases of negligence, lackadaisical and cowardly attitudes of some personnel during Boko Haram terrorists offensive actions in the North East, adding that these unprofessional and disgraceful habits have led to the death of gallant colleagues while weapons and equipment were carted away by the adversary. He admonished that these unwholesome attitudes must not be allowed to continue.

The Theatre commander assured troops of Operation Lafiya Dole of the commitment of the leadership of the Nigerian Army in ensuring that their welfare is paramount at all times.

He urged the newly inducted commanders to accord utmost attention to the welfare of their troops, describing it as an inevitable motivation for the troops in the North East theatre of operation.

Onyema Nwachukwu
Deputy Director Public Relations
Theatre Command