Xenophobic Attacks: Dabiri-Erewa Tackles South Africa’s Home Minister; says FG will no longer allow Nigerian citizens face maltreatment.

Against the backdrop of the xenophobic attacks on Nigerians and the statement by South African Home minister, Malusi Gigaba that such issues did not warrant reprisal attacks in Nigeria but diplomatic settlement, the presidency has warned that government will no longer fold its hands and allow law abiding Nigerian citizens face molestation in any host country.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Dispora, Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa who handed the warning, recalled Nigeria’s immense sacrifices in the fight against apartheid rule in South Africa saying the “Indiscriminate killings, in which 116 deaths have been recorded of her people, must not be how Nigeria should be paid back.

In a statement titled ‘Attacks on Nigerians: South Africa’s Malusi Gigaba got it all wrong’, Dabiri-Erewa said, “My attention was drawn to South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister Mr. Malusi Gigaba’s statement in the aftermath of the xenophobic attacks, which has also brought reprisal attacks on MTN, a South African business conglomerate that “such issues were better discussed at the diplomatic levels” when more than 100 Nigerian lives have been lost in South Africa.

“It appears that Mr. Gigaba would rather dwell on and entertain himself with diplomatic niceties when the welfare of Nigerians resident in South Africa are at stake now more than any time in recent history.

“His response to the xenophobic attacks, which has now become a recurring decimal on Africans, most especially Nigerians living peacefully in their host country of South Africa was indeed unfortunate.

“While it’s no longer news that law-abiding Nigerians in that country have borne the major brunt of these attacks, the news by the Home Affairs Minister that his country is trying to get rid of criminals in his country at the time when indiscriminate mayhem and looting of law-abiding Nigerians is very suspicious, to say the least.

“Even if this unguarded statement must be taken in its face value, we wonder if wanton destruction and indiscriminate killing of their African brothers is the most sensible excuse to give.

“The home affairs minister should have been more guarded and introspective in his statements so as not to further fan the embers of xenophobia that may get out control if care is not taken.

“Nigeria and South Africa have a long-standing diplomatic relationship in which the former played a critical, if not a pivotal role that culminated in ending apartheid, among so many of her positive interventions.

“Indiscriminate killings, in which 116 deaths have been recorded of her people, must not be how Nigeria should be paid back.

“Xenophobia is such a debilitating social disease, based mostly on ignorance, in which its carrier also suffers.

“I therefore suggest that the home affairs minister should engage in the mass education of the South African people about the debilitating effects of this disease with immediate effect.

“It’s apt to mention at this juncture that the home affairs minister only met with African consulates forum, an association of African consuls general, based in South Africa recently, despite the fact that this meeting was long overdue.

“Mr. Gigaba’s response to the mayhem that a segment of the South African people perpetrated on law-abiding Nigerians in South Africa smirks of insensitivity, and it’s therefore very reprehensible, if not unacceptable.

“In view of this unfortunate statement, I am therefore restating my earlier call on the African Union (AU) to take up the South Africa’s xenophobic issue as a matter of urgency.

“The days that the Nigerian government will fold its arms while its citizens are maltreated to the point that some of them have lost their lives for no just cause are long gone.”