BHT terrorists Plan Bombings during Ramadan-DHQ. **Urges Security beef up at worship centers.

BHT terrorists Plan Bombings during Ramadan-DHQ.
**Urges Security beef up at worship centers.
The Defence headquarters on Saturday alerted Nigerians particularly Muslims that Boko Haram terrorists have concluded plans to bomb places of worship during Ramadam and kill thousands of innocent worshippers.
Consequently, DHQ warned Nigerians to be vigilant and report suspicious movements and assemblage to security agencies around the country.
A statement weekend, in this regard signed by the Director of Defence Information, Brig-General Rabe Abubakar said, “Information available to this Headquarters indicated plans by terrorists to use the Ramadan periods which usually attracts gathering of large number of persons during morning and evening worships and prayers to carryout large scale bombings.